Thursday, July 15, 2010

Costa Rican Health Care

You all may remember Rush Limbaugh saying that if health care passes, he would be heading to Costa Rica.  The dems quickly picked up on this statement and started websites collecting money to send Rush to Costa Rica.  The joke ended up being on the dems as it always is when they try and tangle with the likes of Rush Limbaugh or Mark Levin.  Yet, they still try over and over to no avail.  The reason that Rush said he would go to Costa Rica is because Costa Rica leads the US in life expectancy and it is because of the health care system that is in place.  It is a model of the US system but without all of the rules and lawsuits that cause our prices to go sky high.  Their doctors are trained in the US and Europe so we can expect the same type of care that we would receive in the US without the rationing.

Costa Rica is loving what the dems have done to destroy our health care system.  They have affiliated themselves with Blue Cross and Blue Shield and have even been able to get into our Medicare system.  They are selling off real estate to investors and now have 29 operational Hospitals.  They are inviting investors in and have set up numerous websites where people can go to look at possible investments.

When it comes to insurance, they also have that covered.  They are a part of the National Insurance Institute that covers individuals world wide and can be purchased by anyone in any country.  Age and health can be determinants in some instances so don't jump into this without doing your homework.  The insurance is an 80/20 plan much like our current insurances in the USA BUT the costs are based on the Costa Rican price models which in some cases can be much lower.

There have been discussions in the US between some of the major medical plans to include a travel package for travel to Costa Rica.  The ingenuity of Americans is never endless.  We may have the worst President in our history and the worst Speaker of the house, but we will find ways to adapt and overcome.  It is the American way.  Hopefully with a new congress in November, we can put a halt to a lot of this non-sense until we get a legitimate President in power.


  1. I agree with all you wrote Ken! This video is all truth (and NO FICTION as the White House uses). Impeccable description of the lies they tell, just to get votes.

  2. Thanks June. November is coming if we can hang on long enough.
