Sunday, July 11, 2010

BP Installing Tighter Cap

BP thinks they may have a solution to stop the leak in the gulf.  If Obama and the dems have anything to do with it, they may not get so lucky.  The Obama administration needed this oil spill to press forward on Cap and Tax legislation or whatever new name it is being called.  Believe me, it is all the same no matter what you call it.  It is a job killing, liberty killing bill designed for more Government power.  The power grab by this corrupt administration is on-going and will not stop until a new congress is elected.

More worrisome than anything is the power grab that will occur after the November elections.  The dems will be hell bent on passing every piece of legislation they can to get their agenda passed.  One of these is the Net Neutrality bill which is nothing more than a way to shut down the conservative voice.  They can call it anything they want and say it is for our protection, but it is nothing more than a way for the Government to control the internet and mostly conservative sites.  This thin skinned administration cannot handle all of the negative, and much deserved, press that it is now receiving.

I truly believe that BP is trying to do the right thing.  And I hope that this administration has not damaged them so much that they have to turn to the middle east in order to survive.  This would not be good for any of us.  Prices could sky rocket.  But as Rahm "dead fish" Emanuel has said:  "Never let a Crisis go to waste."  Believe me, these dems are no way through yet.  Keep your eyes open and educate your friends and neighbors.  Look at the polls:  47% of American's still think that Obama is doing a good job.  These people are not informed and are probably just going along with people they know, who themselves, haven't a clue.


  1. One thing to ponder:
    This oil well has supposedly lead out over 5 million gallons. Talking barrels, that's about 91,000 barrels and it's still gushing out at an unbelievable rate. Wouldn't that be considered a MAJOR oil well? Haven't we been told for decades oil is running out, it's fossil fuel? How come the Russians have been drilling wells well below the fossil layer since the 50's? I don't think it is finite as they want us to believe and this well is proving it.
    Something to ponder.

  2. According to scientists, there is enough oil in the Gulf coast to last over 300 years. That is not counting all of the oil in Texas and in Alaska. It is all a smokescreen to get the progressives what they want. Which is a socialist euphoria of a government. And that is fine until they run out of everyone else's money. Just look at Greece and the European nations.

  3. US also has a lot of oil shale.

  4. Ya know, this whole mess could have been prevented had this well been on land. Woulda been much easier to fix and clean. No, we have to drill nearly a mile down in the ocean to get it, damn enviros.

  5. Get rid of the EPA! The IRS! Dept of Education! As a matter of fact, let's elect Chris Christie and Jan Brewer to POTUS and VPOTUS and all will be well. Unfortunately, 47% of the population is ignorant... by design.

  6. Ignorance can be fixed, stupid can't. How many of each fall in to the 47%?

  7. Good point. Either way, it is a real shame.

  8. Oh.... and don't forget to vote in my poll below.

