Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What Would MLK Think?

What would Martin Luther King think of the NAACP now?  In my humble opinion, I think he would be sick to his stomach.  The organization that fought for the rights of the people that it represented for equal treatment has become a shell of itself.  It is an organization rife with corruption and filled with people whose agenda is nothing more than racist based.  The organization has turned into the democrats other arm.  Their purpose is to throw the race card around and blame it on the Tea Party to gather votes for the ailing democratic party.  It is beyond ridiculous.  And folks, this is only the beginning.  These dems are in real trouble and they know it.  This is only the start of the racial comments.

  If the headlines out today were to read this way:  "NAAWP (National Association for the Advancement of White People) declares today that the NAACP is a racist organization that contributes to the collapse of the white communities..."  Do you think that there would be an uprising of the nth degree?  Then why is it that this organization is allowed to continue this behavior without a word being said?  I think when the race card is brought up, the organization being blamed should ignore the accuser.  It will never stop.  So, why give them the satisfaction of an answer?

It is time to take a stand against this corruption.  It starts from the top.  If the "new" Black Panthers can behave as they have acted with no retaliation, and the President and Holder deem it is a non-issue, then we have problems that are much larger than the NAACP's incessant whining.  60% of Americans now have no confidence in the President and the thugs around him.  I have to wonder what the other 40% are thinking.  November is coming.  We must stay alert and get ready for the fight of our lives to take our country back.  We all must be proactive.  If the dems win, we will lose this country and may never be able to recover.


  1. Now that Owebama is in power and we have a very colorful White House, they will side with their own no matter what the situation - they'll show their is strength in BLACK POWER. I'm not saying this to discriminate or be biased, just stating the truth.

  2. There are those that will but there are also those that will not. These are the ones that I really feel sorry for because they are being ridiculed and called Uncle Toms. Just think how tough that must be on them to stand by their beliefs.
